Abstract Guidelines

ABOUT Abstract

Step-by-step instructions, including submission guidelines, an abstract template are outlined, however if you require assistance, or have any concerns about the abstract submission process, please contact the abstracts.ipscon.2024@gmail.com

Abstract submission by completing your conference registration:

Step 1- Click online Abstract/ Registration button (Registration is Mandatory to submit an abstract).

Step 2- Login Page: Select Your Currency, Registration Category and create your account. After creating an account you will receive the welcome email.

Step 3- Attendee Details - Fill your demographic details, select your preferred workshop (optional), select number of accompanying person (optional), & click on save.

Step 4- Dashboard (Personal Details/ Abstract Submission / My Abstract / Payment / Logout) Abstract Submission: Click on Submit an abstract. Please review the submission guidelines, fill the abstract submission necessary details and upload your abstract in the given format and submit the same. After successful submission you will receive abstract acknowledgement email.

Step 5– Dashboard: Complete your registration making the payment. After making the registration payment you will receive the final registration confirmation email.

Step 6- Save your login credentials to re-login.

Important: One person can submit only one abstract, either for an oral presentation or a poster presentation.

Dear All,

The Scientific Committee invites scientific abstracts for presentation during “54th Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society-IPSCON 2024” held from 28th-30th November, 2024 at J. L. N. Auditorium, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.

The abstract must include an introduction, Aim and objectives, methods, results, summary, and discussion.

The abstract can only be up to 300 words long.

Only online submission of the abstract is permitted.

The author of the presentation must be a paid delegate to IPSCON-2024 in AIIMS, New Delhi.

All questions regarding the submission of abstracts should be sent to abstracts.ipscon.2024@gmail.com.

During the closing remarks, "Best Oral and Poster Presentation awards" will be handed to the presenter in both the oral and poster sessions.

The conference proceedings will be published in the SCOPOS and PUBMED indexed Indian Journal of Pharmacology.

We are happy to inform you that the site for online abstract submission for IPSCON 2024, AIIMS, New Delhi is open from 1st march, 2024.


Presenter can choose to present any one or more of the following categories:

1. Cardiovascular Pharmacology

2. Neuropharmacology

3. Herbal/Indigenous/Traditional dicine

4. Environmental Pharmacology & Toxicology

5. Miscellaneous


• The abstract should be written in clear, concise English and include an interesting summary of the research.

• Font types: Times New Roman

• Font size:

a. Title: 14 font

b. List of authors: 12 font

c. Affiliations: 10 font

d. Presenting author's email: 10 font

e. Main body of text: 12 font

f. Key Words: 12 font

• The abstract's total word count shouldn't be more than 300.

• Abstract body: The abstract must include, in the order specified in the template, an introduction, Aim and objectives, methods, result, summary, conclusion, and keywords.

• Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined at initial usage, excluding those for units of measurement and those that are well-known or extensively used.

• Please utilise the website's template to assist you in creating an abstract for a poster or oral presentation.

• Uniqueness, plagiarism, moral approval, and copyright: The originality of the research, the abstract, and the posters must all be guaranteed by the authors. Additionally, it is the authors' duty to see that all photos, data, and research presented at this congress have received the proper ethical and regulatory permission, if applicable.

• Please address correspondence abstracts.ipscon.2024@gmail.com in with the subject "Abstract Submission Clarifications."

Important: The last date for abstract submission is September 30, 2024. After that date, any requests for abstract submission will not be considered.

Note: The authors will be notified by 30th October 2024 of the abstract's acceptance or rejection.