About IPS

The foundation of pharmacology in India can be traced to Col. Ram Nath Chopra, who assumed leadership in 1921 as the first Professor of Pharmacology at the School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta. Col. Chopra, who is justly regarded as the dean of pharmacology, started a number of research projects to examine the benefits and drawbacks of traditional medicines that have been utilised in the nation since ancient times.

The history of the Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS) begins in 1966 during the 12th Annual Conference of the Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India (APPI) in Patna, when a sizable group of pharmacologists made the decision to form an independent organisation for pharmacologists. The new movement received significant impetus from Prof. Desmond Lawrence of the Clinical Pharmacology Division at the University of London. In order to integrate pharmacology into medical education and to work towards the all-around growth of pharmacology, two crucial goals were outlined. Later, the requisite impetus was given by Professors G.Achari, K.P. Bhargava, R.P. Kholi, and P.N. Saxena.

Under the capable direction of Prof. G. Achary, the inaugural Annual Conference of IPS was organised by a steering committee in 1968 at Patna. The International Union of Pharmacological Sciences President and famous pharmacologist Prof. B. Uvnas of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, officially opened it on January 5, 1969.

IPS was recognised as the official National Society of Pharmacologists of India at the Fifth IUPHAR, which was held in San Francisco in July 1972. The IUPHAR Council Meeting was held in Helsinki in July 1975, and IPS was given permission to send representatives from India. Since that time, IPS has advanced and expanded annually. 1500 Life Members currently belong to academic/research institutions or businesses. The Society's members achieved great success in their specialised sectors, and many of them have won awards for excellence. Dr.Ranjit Roy Choudary received the Padmasri Award, Drs.U.K. Sheth, Dr.RR Choudhary, and Dr.O.D. Gulati received the Shanta Swaroop Bhatnagar Award, and members of the IPS have served on the advisory boards of numerous national and international organisations that work in the field of education.

In the glorious century of scientific advancement, the contribution of Pharmacologists in India is well recognized. In spite of sophisticated infrastructural facilities, we have abundant expertise and magnificent ancestral legacy of indigenous systems of medicine. This is still vibrant and promises to show to the world the immense potential of Indian Pharmacologists. The time has come for Pharmacologists to concentrate more on operational research, especially on cost-benefit analysis and improvement in the quality of life, as drugs are considered to be the major requirements of health care budget.